设计说明:景润堂茶馆,在写字楼的十层里,少了自然的灵气和活力。城市发展的越快,原生态的资源越来越少。 本案崇尚自然,城市建筑和乡土气息的结合,返璞归真,让我们回到大自然。 突然发现,当我们取材的时候都想要更多的接近自然,可当我们看,原生态的墙角和顶面,既使多么想回归自然,而所看到一切,墙面是仿泥土色的艺术漆,地面是复古的地板砖,柜子上的原木纹,石材和竹竿,陶罐和茶壶,盆栽和麦穗,所有的一切……都有加工过的影子。 突然之间明白一个道理,历史的原生态,随着我们生活一步步进行,科技的进步,周围的一切都在变化,大自然都在一步步变成将来的新生态。
Design description: Jingruntang Teahouse, in the office of the tenth floor, less natural aura and vitality. The faster the city develops, the less the original ecological resources become. This case advocates nature, the combination of urban architecture and local flavor, to return to nature, let us return to nature. Suddenly found that when we take materials, we want more close to nature, but when we see, the original ecological corner and the top, even how much want to return to nature, and see everything, the wall is imitation clay paint art, the floor is made of antique floor tiles, the wood grain on the cabinets, the stone and bamboo, the pots and teapots, the pots and ears of wheat, everything... has been processed. Suddenly it dawned on me, that the ecology of history, is changing as we go along, as technology advances, as everything around us changes, as nature becomes the new ecology of the future.